Monday, February 23, 2015

Loving to Hate

Just when I was convinced that Rudy Giuliani was the most despicable primate drawing breath, along comes Gov. Scott Walker to play "What, me worry?" over Rudy's abominable remarks. Just in case you missed it, the former "America's mayor," was speaking at a GOP fundraiser for the Wisconsin governor's fledgling presidential campaign and made some stunningly ugly accusations about the president. Just so there's no question about context, here's the full quote- "I do not believe- and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of country." Considering the room was filled with right-wing business executives and conservative media whores, the statement about who Obama loves has a ring of truth to it. But never in history has a president been questioned about his love of country. When Rudy's ignorant opinion was roundly criticized as stone-cold racism, he was forced to backtrack in a damage control appearance on Fox & Friends. But he only trumpeted his lack of self-awareness saying, "Some people thought (the comment) was racist. I thought that was a joke since he was brought up, by the way, by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people." Well Rudy, that's mighty white of you to say.

This sinks Rudy to the bottom of the extremist scum-bucket with Glenn Beck, who famously said on Republican National Television, "This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." When did the GOP adopt the Ku Klux Klan's playbook? And to think this fool ran for president until he was sliced and diced by Joe Biden who said Rudy only needed three things to make a sentence- "a noun, a verb, and 9/11."  Rudy recently made race-baiting comments concerning Ferguson, Missouri and accused Obama of smearing the NYPD after the choke-hold murder of Eric Garner. And yet, the GOP still respects his judgement. Remember Bernie Kerick? He was the commissioner of the NYPD during the 9/11 attacks and was subsequently recommended by Giuliani to President Dubya as the head of the Department of Homeland Security. His nomination was withdrawn when it was discovered that he employed an illegal-immigrant nanny, took "escorts" for love trysts in an apartment overlooking Ground Zero, ostensibly reserved for first responders, and lied under oath about how a civil servant making 30K a year could afford 255,000 dollars in home renovations. This was Rudy's right-hand man who, after a three year stint in prison, is searching for a job as a counter-terrorism expert. Even conservative firebrand Darrell Issa said that Rudy never got the dust from 9/11 out of his lungs. More than one doctor publicly speculated that Rudy was showing early symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome.

Which brings us to Governor Scott Walker, the unlettered executive. Walker is so spineless, he may as well be a Democrat. When asked on CSNBC if he agreed with the former mayor's malicious remarks, Walker said, "I'm not going to comment on what the president thinks or not...I tell you I love America...I think we should talk about the ways in which we love this country." Answering a question from the Washington Post about the president's faith, Walker said, "I don't know," if Obama  is a Christian. "I've actually never talked about it or I haven't read about that," adding, "At the end of the day, God is in control." A spokeswoman for the Governor immediately followed up with a press release emphasizing, "Of course the Governor thinks the President is a Christian." Wasn't there something in the Constitution about religious tests for public office? It doesn't really matter. A recent Pew Poll found that thirty-four percent of Republicans believe the president is a Muslim. Scott Walker's recent trip to London was a bust when he said he would "punt" on a question regarding evolution, sending the British press into spasms of laughter. Sooner or later, Walker will have to take a stand on something other than union busting or doing the bidding of his telephone pal, David Koch.

Now that Fox News has declared that "the Holy War is here," and ISIS is burning captives alive, who cares about useless prattle over the president's patriotism or whether he sufficiently loves America to suit the Tea Party. Rudy Giuliani has been accused by Republican operators of being a draft dodger with six separate deferments from the Vietnam War, yet he is a major critic of Obama's foreign policy and a cheerleader for wars that involve other people's children. Rudy recently publicly gushed with praise over Vladimir Putin's decisive leadership. Governor Walker, after surviving a recall election, leaves the state of Wisconsin with a $283 million budget shortfall, due to the $541 million he doled out in tax cuts. He is a failed and delusional governor who thinks heavy Republican donors can elect him president. Why do we continue to give these irrelevant hatemongers a platform from which to spew their divisive garbage? In truth, its not the President, but the Republican Party that doesn't love America. If they did, they wouldn't have been sitting on their asses obstructing progress for six years while praying for America to fail.


  1. Saw your title and thought you renamed the blog again.

  2. Hello, Sput. I heard an old love song recently and I thought about you and Melody. It seemed to me to be appropriate for a couple who have had their share of life's ups and downs and came through it all with a warm, abiding love for one another. Consider this a belated Valentine's present. Please consider singing this to Melody. This is from Someone Who Now Loves You. God bless your love...

  3. Your boy Obama is NO friend to say the least. Check this out and try not to hyperventilate.

  4. Quit sending money to Israel. They already have more than thy need.

  5. Looky, Ma! Another anti-Israel troll!

    Why didn't anybody tell me that the circus was back in town?

  6. Obama flashes Shahada hand sign to Muslims. The look on their faces seems to be saying, "Our homeboy!"

  7. The photograph of President Obama "flashing a Muslim gang sign" certainly captivated a portion of the social web when it began to circulate, and at first glance it might seem difficult to understand from a single still frame precisely what was going on the moment the photograph was snapped. But that instant was not only photographed, it was also filmed, and footage of it (in context) was uploaded to YouTube on 7 August 2014:

    At the one-minute mark, the President Obama can be seen briefly making a quick spontaneous remark to a fellow attendee (who had since passed out of the camera frame) and making a gesture that is clearly one of "pointing" or "finger-wagging" and not a surreptitious "Muslim gang signal." No one else captured in the video can be seen expressing obvious "disapproval" or "contempt" at President Obama's gesture or remark, and if other African leaders can been smiling or reacting with amusement in the video, the most obvious reason is because President Obama said something humorous at that moment.

    Nice try, Mr. Anonymous Cretin... Got anymore fantasies to share?

  8. Sorry Raoul, but that is NOT the same video from which Obama's Shahada jesture was taken. Nice try, fellow cretin. Did you deliberately spin this issue?

  9. Who do you think you're kidding? Of course it is the same video. The man in front of Obama is the same person in the still picture. And so are the people to his right, standing in the very same order. The flanking panels say that it is the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit, held in the auditorium of the State Department. Identical in every detail. Even the "American Thinker" article identifies it as such.

    The close up detail of the image in your article from "American Thinker" has the face of the gentleman in the white robe in the background. Same person in the video. Do you really think people are that stupid?

    Don't lump me in with you... the only cretin around here is yourself.

    Oh, and it's "gesture", with a "g".

    Have a nice day.

  10. Yes, it is 'gesture'. My bad. I don't always check my spelling and grammar. I shouldn't have said that Obama's Shahada sign was from a different video. I should have said that the Shahada sign was not shown in this particular footage. By the way, can't we have civil discourse? I apologize for stooping to your level. I shouldn't have referred to you as a 'cretin'. The correct spelling of the term is actually 'cretan' and refers to Titus 1:12 which says, 'One of Crete"s own prophets has said: Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, and lazy gluttons'. I feel sure that this does not describe sorry. I have always been led to believe that liberals are supposed to take the moral high ground and to advocate love, peace, and tolerance toward all. I have a hard time finding liberals who actually subscribe to these values. In my experience, most get angry at those who have divergent viewpoints and only demonstrate tolerance, love, and peace toward those who strictly adhere their values and ideology. I wonder why this is so. Too much ideological inbreeding ultimately leads to defective thinking. Do you not support the First Amendment and the free marketplace of ideas?

  11. Your insistence on pushing the bullshit secret signal story only shows what a sucker you are to believe in right wing media propaganda. You don't have to show your mean-spirited ignorance in a public forum however.

  12. Yes, indeed, you don’t always check your spelling and grammar. Yet you still expect to be taken seriously, especially when you are spewing trash and lies. And when you are not, you bleat pathetically about “civil discourse”, and the “First Amendment”, and the “free marketplace of ideas”.

    You didn’t come here for civil discourse. You aren’t really interested in that. You just want to provoke.

    We are now in the sixth year of Obama’s administration, and here you are, spewing that ridiculous nonsense about him being a crypto-Muslim. This isn’t a divergence of opinion over which I owe you a polite response in the name of “civil discourse”. You’re a cliché, and there is no value in debating stupidity with you.

    The finger wagging gesture in the video occurs at approximately 1:04. It also occurs 00:09 seconds into the video included in F.W. Burleigh’s so-called “rebuttal” of the Snopes debunking of the allegation. And all of the people appearing in this video, presented by the author of the article himself, are the same people who appear in the first video that I referenced, and they are standing in the same positions in both, as one would expect to be the case when two different cameras are recording the same event.

    Please see the following link:

    Your insistence that the gesture does not appear in the video suggests to me that, if you are not just simply lazy and sloppy in your research, but also that you are only interested in continuing a big lie, with the full knowledge that it is completely and utterly false.

    This isn’t liberal hostility to right wing positions. This is a response of justifiable scorn and ridicule to willful stupidy and obtuseness.

    Back to the tinfoil chapeau brigade with you.
